For centuries, journaling has been a tool for self-discovery. With reflective writing, your words do not have to be carefully arranged. It’s your private world and your private thoughts. You can ramble. Mention the unthinkable. Explore ideas with no worry about the consequences. Writing as personal therapy Journaling can help […]

Journaling as Therapy

Don’t get me wrong, I think journaling is great. It’s a wonderful way to internalize difficult or confusing situations. And of course any form of expressive writing helps to hone your skills. As one writing instructor put it: journaling helps to keep your writing motor running! But writing not for […]

Tired of Writing to Yourself?

The British have a great saying: If you don’t know where you want to go, any road will do. That saying is all about planning a journey before you set out on it. And that has everything to do with writing another person’s story. Or more broadly, about writing anything […]

Where Do You Want To GO?