Richard Haverlack

About Richard Haverlack

Richard Haverlack has been writing the memoirs of hospice patients for more than eight years. He has recently written a book, A Memoir of Memoirs - Writing Stories Told at Life's End, which is about the poignant and enlightening experiences he's had in doing this work. Richard is a volunteer for the Good Samaritan Hospice near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He also is active in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institution at the University of Pittsburgh where he studies as well as teaches.

Time for a little confusion, lest you begin to think that writing another’s story is as simple as any other writing you may do. Not that many would think about it, but writing another’s story will have at least two, separate plot lines. That has a straightforward reason, but it […]

The Plot(s) Thicken)s(

One of the most frequent questions any hospice worker gets asked is: “How near to death do you think [my loved one] is?” This is, of course, a very difficult question to answer. Symptoms will vary greatly from person to person as they decline. So there is just no way […]

How do You Know When?

  [These thoughts are taken from the book Living Revision: A Writer’s Craft as Spiritual Practice, by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrews.]   Before starting a new project: Does the path you are considering expand you–stretch you beyond your comfort zone–and invite you to grow? Does the path you are considering increase […]

Paths of Heart