Monthly Archives: November 2016

Storytelling has been around since language was invented. And for thousands of years, until written language came along, storytelling could only be oral. We have all heard great oral stories. Everyone has a friend or two whom they think of as an excellent, if not a near-professional, storyteller. But only […]


Death. Dying. Hospice. These are words not readily accepted in our public discourse. These are words used only in select and even secreted conversations. Why is that? Our culture is one of vitality, of growing, of conquering. In a world that is increasingly painted only with black and white, since it is […]

Why this discussion is here

Writing a book is not an easy thing. Just ask anyone who has done it. But I felt compelled to write Paths of Heart—Writing Stories Told at Life’s End   because of the immense satisfaction that writing the memoirs of hospice patients has brought a quite a few people. First, the hospice […]

Why I had to write this book